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Happy Tails « Hub City Ferals

Loki and Freyja

Loki and Freyja know that two is better than one! Socks (their sweet mom also pictured in Happy Tails), was so happy to know that her children found their dream home together…forever!


Say hello to Ali (pictured right). You can often find him napping with his adopted sister, Luna, but he is always up for a good ol game of “pounce” from behind the ottoman!


Many helping hands put “Ollie” in the home of his dreams. These days you can find Ollie catching some sun in the window, or playing with his favorite toys. He is one lucky boy!


Hi! I’m TJ…and my life got a whole lot sweeter when I adopted my little girl. I even have my very own bulldog!

Clarence and Calvin

Clarence and Calvin are typical boys! It’s our secret that they came from different feral litters…. They’ll never know! We are so happy they were adopted together.

Stella and Spooky

This adorable brother and sister were socialized as kittens and adopted into a great home together!


Meet Richard (brother to Charlie and Nia). Richard is a die hard Saints fan, and loves his dog sister, Roux. After socialization, he was adopted into a loving home. It’s true…black cats DO have more fun!


“Nia” went from being a feral kitten, to a socialized couch potato! She loves toys, treats, and cuddling on the bed.


Thanks to a foster family who helps us save lives, Golfball was placed into a loving, indoor home!


“Saint” is the happiest three-legged cat in Mississippi. When he’s not busy zooming up and down the stairs (two at a time!), he is playing with his cat brother and sister.

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